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I want to walk with Jesus Christ


I want to walk with Jesus Christ,

all the days I live of this life on earth;

to give to Him complete control

of body and of soul.
      Follow Him, follow Him,
      yield your life to Him -
      He has conquered death,
      He is King of kings;
      accept the joy which He gives to those
      who yield their lives to Him.


I want to learn to speak to Him,

to pray to Him, confess my sin,

to open my life and let Him in,

for joy will then be mine.
      Follow Him, follow Him.......


I want to learn to speak of Him –

my life must show that He lives in me;

my deeds, my thoughts, my words must speak

all of His love for me.
      Follow Him, follow Him....


I want to learn to read His word,

for this is how I know the way

to live my life as pleases Him,

in holiness and joy.
      Follow Him, follow Him....


O Holy Spirit of the Lord,

enter now into this heart of mine;

take full control of my selfish will

and make me wholly Thine!
      Follow Him, follow Him....


©1974  Celebration Services (Yeldhall) Ltd


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